Musafir Mobile App

Book the best flights, hotels and holidays on the go!

Smarter flight choices

Filter and book flights on 270+ airlines worldwide with just a tap! The Musafir Mobile app's slick new design makes your booking smarter with easy visual cues for non-stop, connecting and multi-airline flights.

Hotels and holidays

From hotel deals to holidays abroad, we've got it all! The Musafir Mobile app brings our entire collection of packaged holidays and 85,000+ of the world's best hotels to your fingertips - now with TripAdvisor® ratings and reviews from fellow travellers too.

Why book through Musafir APP?

Faster searches

See all your recent searches and simply tap them to repeat a search at any time. The Musafir Mobile app makes flight search results appear to 2x faster than an average mobile web travel search.

Pinpoint filters

Use the advanced filters in the Musafir Mobile app to pinpoint flights which meet your preferences for refundability, flight stopovers, travel timings, airlines and more - even in the most complex trips.

Saved travellers

Booking flights for your friends and family is now easier than ever before with automatically saved traveller profiles in the Musafir Mobile app. Simply tap to add travellers from your previous trips and book!

Peace of mind

Add the advantage of Allianz's world-class Travel Insurance to any trip in the Musafir Mobile app for protection against lost baggage, missed flights, accidents, emergencies and more.

Easy tickets

You'll never have to fumble over your flight details again with our easy tickets. See all the important details up-front-and-center on the Musafir Mobile app and enjoy your trip instead. You'll also receive a copy by email and have the option to export tickets to your phone.