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These photos will make you add Eastern Europe to your bucket list

August 11, 2016
Czech Republic

While the world often looks for reasons to flock to Europe, many often forget the countries that lie in the shadow of Europe, the Eastern European countries. The countries of Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine and most parts of western Russia make up the beautiful Eastern Europe.

So if you’re looking for inspiration to book your flight tickets to these places, you need not look beyond these spectacular photos.

1. Belarus

The dainty yet pretty by lanes of Vitebsk, Belarus.

Vitebsk, Belarus


2. Bulgaria

A pathway lined with the colour red in Gorna Arda, Bulgaria.

Gorna Arda, Bulgaria


3. Romania

The infamous Bran’s Castle, or also known as Dracula’s castle.

Bran's Castle, Romania

And because we’re so in love with this place, here’s another one

Craiova, Romania


4. Hungary

Arguably, one of the most beautiful places in the world.

Budapest, Hungary


5. Czech Republic

There’s nothing like a cup of coffee and a view of Prague to make your mornings.



6. Poland

If you want to know about the true beauty of Poland, let the streets do all the talking.

Warsaw, Poland


Author : Sanjana Sule