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Things to do in the city called: Baku

September 19, 2019

Baku has perfectly blended cosmopolitan culture with its traditional exclusivity. The capital city of Azerbaijan, it lies below the sea level and in that regard happens to be the largest in the world.

On account of its rich history and natural beauty, the city has acquired great importance in the world today. As a result, events of remarkable significance have taken place here - the 2015 European Games and the 2016 European Grand Prix besides the 4th Islamic Solidarity Games. In fact, the city is about to host UEFA Euro 2020.

It is a fantastic destination for those who want an unforgettable roller-coaster ride in an absorbing urban nightlife with ample shopping opportunities. Here is a sneak-peek into the beautiful destination of Baku.

Facts about Baku, we bet you didn't know!

Facts about Baku, we bet you didn't know!

Residents of Ba ku are known as Bakuvians or Azerbaijanis

Residents of Ba ku are known as Bakuvians or Azerbaijanis

A city of Tea drinkers

A city of Tea drinkers

Baku has a Carpet museum

Baku has a Carpet museum

Baku is also callad the "CIty of the Wind"

Baku is also called the "CIty of the Wind"

Wrestling is the most popular sport in Baku

Wrestling is the most popular sport in Baku

Important Links:

Azerbaijan: Beyond Baku

Azerbaijan Tour Packages

Azerbaijan Flights